Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

to be or not to be

First off sorry about my absence work and life itself have been crazy busy and I haven't been home long enough to sleep.

Now on to today's topic. To be or not to be a vegetarian.

I can see it from both perspectives having been on either side and I think its a very personal decision. One that is your own to make and you shouldn't let others influence your decision. Its something that you should defiantly take the time to educate yourself on before you make a decision.

My personal belief is one that took me years to figure out. One that I had to experiment in many different ways to finally come to what I believe is a fair choice.

I believe in the earthly food chain. I believe that we are meant to grow and eat plants and animals just as animals themselves do. That is not to say that I believe in over indulging. Personally I think that factory farming is something that needs to go.

Over farming of anything, plants, animals, insects,anything is never a good thing. I think people need to realize that choosing a more expensive, higher quality meat from a company such as Rowe Farms, and only eating it 2-3 times a week is not only better for your personal health but also better for the environment and the sustainability of our planet. A place that uses no hormones, no antibiotics, sustainably farmed. The Rowe Farms slogan is one that I really like, " quality with a conscience".

I think its worth looking into, not that I am more pro to one way or the other, if you don't feel right eating an animal then that is completely your decision, or if you like to eat meat everyday multiple times that is also your own choice. I just think it is important for people to educate themselves on what they are putting into their bodies.

How about we all drink some more beer :)


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