Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Use a Bag

There are so many forms of reusable bags avalibul for us now that there really is no excuse to be getting plastic bags.

Many of the reusable bags come in a form when they can fold into itself into a small pouch and fit into a purse, back pack, glove box, anywhere really.

Most grocery stores have them ready for your consumerism right at the check out.

Buying them is not the tricky part though, its remembering to take them with you. I always keep one in my work bag just in case I go shopping after work, and if I forget to bring them I punish myself by making myself take a box and carrying that for my walk home. The torture of carrying a box full of grocery on the icy toronto sidewalks my whole walk home is usually reminder enough.

so folks, don't forget your tote :)

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