Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Healing Thursday

Calendula, better known as Marigold

In Italy this flower is called Fiore d'ogni mese or in English flower of the month. It is called this because it blooms so regularly there. In the past, looking at the flowers was said to strengthen eye sight, and they were used in soothing eye washes. In the 18th century it was also listed as good for, jaundice, toothache, headaches and strengthening the heart.

Plants description: is a low growing annual with hairy, slightly sticky leaves and orange flowers blooming from late spring to early fall. Many members of the botanical family look much like the marigold. It is easy to grow in sunny or part shady areas and can tolerate most soil. once established it will self seed.

Internal use is not reccomended durring pregnancy.

the petals can be used as a natural food colouring if steeped into water.

An infusion of fresh or dried petals can help the body sweat out toxins, as well as soothe the digestive track. If this mixture is allowed to cool, it makes an excellent mouthwash, especially for sore and bleeding gums, because of it's antiseptic properties. Crushing a calendula flower on an insect sting will ease the pain. It is also a potent skin healer, staunching bleeding, cleansing wounds, preventing infection and promoting tissue repair. As an infusion it is also said to help with PMS and irregular menstruation.And they are super pretty to look at :)

Go plant some Marigolds

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rainbows are only for Queers!!!!!

 A ban on rainbows has been in effect since June 3rd. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Rainbows...because the only association they have with the world is gay pride....(sarcasm) but the students have found a creative way to get their message and their rainbows across. check out the link below for the full story! 


Monday, June 6, 2011

Enviro Mondays

Put Your Drinking To Good Use
Make sure to recycle/return all your glass beer and wine bottles to the beer stores. You get money back and are cutting down on the production of new bottles. You can also return cans, and recycle all plastic bottles. Its an easy thing to remember to do once or twice a month AND gets ya a few extra bucks in your pocket...not much (unless you drink lots) but every little bit counts :)

Check out this website for more information. This is the Ontario Bill deposit Law. If you live outside of Ontario, a quick google search of your province/territory/state will give you all the information.


Saturday, June 4, 2011


Omas Spetzle recpie

9 eggs
4.5 c flour
salt and pepper
tiny bit of nutmeg
water till it looks nice and goopy!

whisk it till there is bubbles and let it rest for about 30 min!

cook it in a spetzle maker over boiling salted water and you are good to go!

some of my favorite ways to eat spetzle are with a meat sauce poured over, or fried in a pan with butter, brown sugar and fruit!

Enjoy :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Healing Thursday


In India a variety of Basil called "tulsi" or holy basil is grown in gardens to warn off misfortune. It is also sacred to the God Vishnu

Basil essential oil makes a good sinus clearing inhalant \. A standard infusion of fresh leaves helps with indigestion and constipation, with added honey it can help with chest congestion and bronchitis. Fresh leaves can be rubbed on insect bites and stings to help relieve itching. In a bath a few fresh leaves can help invigorate your muscles :)

Its simple to grow in a pot on a windowsill and its yummy too...so why not incorporate some more basil into your life :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

excuses excuses excuses

So in light of recent events that have unfolded in my life I have made the executive decision to delay the month long challenge to July. Not because I cant do it right now, but because of my Opas passing, I had not been staying at my apartment all that much, witch means, i still have so much food here that needs to be gobbled up before I can start fresh. In other words I would rather wait till July then waste the food. So the good news is your still have a month to vote :) check the side bar to your left and pick one of the 4 choices :)

Side note: I know hes going to HATE me when he is older but does my nephew not have the cutest lil toosh ever???

Red Sox and California Beat Down

A male couple get beat up in Palm Springs California over a parking space. 

The Couple in the picture above ages 24 and 19 got into an argument with the male couple ages 45 and 63 over a parking space.  The male couple told that when the argument got heated and one took a picture of the straight couple, they lost it. Started to yell derogatory slurs and punching them. One of the men lost teeth in the battle.Police have also stated that the event happened in front of their young daughter. The couple has been arrested and charged with battery causing serious bodily injury, child abuse, and violation of civil rights (felony commission of a hate crime). The male in the straight couple was also charged with probation violation.

On a more positive note, a 12 year old boy Sam Maden  has started a petition to get the Red Sox Baseball team to make an "it gets better" video, In honor of his late uncle who was an advocate for teen gay rights. So far the petition has reached 6000 signatures. There has been no Red Sox video but the movement has started and the San Fransisco Giants have been the first sports team to make an "it gets better" Video. WAY TO GO SAM!

All information on this article was gathered from this website