Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Climbing up the mountian

Life is an interesting thing isn't it! Some days you feel so confident, so sure that nothing could bring you down. Other days you feel the weight of the entire city and its cat on your shoulders!

I have noticed lately that life is all about balance. A balance of self love, relationships, family, work and fun and what ever other category fit into your life, its different for everyone! It can be super hard to find a perfect balance between all these things, and I have come to experience that when one category soars, others might start to crumble, for example if your work life starts to suck the life out of you,  your love life might be way up on cloud 9.But this up and down is a good thing isn't it? Its like the old saying "you cant appreciate light with out the dark" or compassion with out rage. Maybe its a good motivator, a hot fire burning under your butt, maybe its there to keep you on your toes and push you that much harder to doing what you love!

I hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday and you will hear more food blabbering tomorrow :) and don't forget to check out Mondays post for the St Lawrence Market Series, you coffee lovers wont be disappointed  :)

Don't Give Up 

Don’t let today’s troubles
Bring you down,
Or allow you to question
Your ability

Don’t let life’s little obstacles
Keep you from trying,
Or become the reason
For defeat

Don’t let your fears
Keep you from dreaming,
Or from chasing
your dream

Don’t give up for any reason
Believe in yourself,
And in yourself
You’ll find strength

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