Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Summer Adventure Day 2

I have already told you about the first day of my adventure this past summer, our drive up to Old Montreal and the amazing experience at Garde Manger. So I figure the rest of the story should be told.

Day 2

Check out time from our hotel in Montreal was 1:00pm. We were good and were on the road by noon. After 10 hours of taking turns driving and Timmie's (Tim Horton's) breaks we finally made it to Fredericton New Brunswick. Very Late....but we made it. We drove around for a bit trying to see a bit of Fredericton, it turns out there isn't much night life, and finally found a motel to spend the night. Once we settled in, I flipped through the phone book to try and find ANYTHING that would be willing to deliver us some grub. We found our savior, "The Diplomat Restaurant". 24 hour delivery and the menu is better then expected for a place that is working round the clock. A little more pricey then we had expected but well worth it. We had lobster, beef tenderloin steak, veggies, potatoes. After our feast we pretty much fell into a deep food coma and both passed out before midnight.

Use a Bag

There are so many forms of reusable bags avalibul for us now that there really is no excuse to be getting plastic bags.

Many of the reusable bags come in a form when they can fold into itself into a small pouch and fit into a purse, back pack, glove box, anywhere really.

Most grocery stores have them ready for your consumerism right at the check out.

Buying them is not the tricky part though, its remembering to take them with you. I always keep one in my work bag just in case I go shopping after work, and if I forget to bring them I punish myself by making myself take a box and carrying that for my walk home. The torture of carrying a box full of grocery on the icy toronto sidewalks my whole walk home is usually reminder enough.

so folks, don't forget your tote :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

to be or not to be

First off sorry about my absence work and life itself have been crazy busy and I haven't been home long enough to sleep.

Now on to today's topic. To be or not to be a vegetarian.

I can see it from both perspectives having been on either side and I think its a very personal decision. One that is your own to make and you shouldn't let others influence your decision. Its something that you should defiantly take the time to educate yourself on before you make a decision.

My personal belief is one that took me years to figure out. One that I had to experiment in many different ways to finally come to what I believe is a fair choice.

I believe in the earthly food chain. I believe that we are meant to grow and eat plants and animals just as animals themselves do. That is not to say that I believe in over indulging. Personally I think that factory farming is something that needs to go.

Over farming of anything, plants, animals, insects,anything is never a good thing. I think people need to realize that choosing a more expensive, higher quality meat from a company such as Rowe Farms, and only eating it 2-3 times a week is not only better for your personal health but also better for the environment and the sustainability of our planet. A place that uses no hormones, no antibiotics, sustainably farmed. The Rowe Farms slogan is one that I really like, " quality with a conscience".

I think its worth looking into, not that I am more pro to one way or the other, if you don't feel right eating an animal then that is completely your decision, or if you like to eat meat everyday multiple times that is also your own choice. I just think it is important for people to educate themselves on what they are putting into their bodies.

How about we all drink some more beer :)


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It can be really scary and even terrifying, but sometimes you just need to take a leap and hope that the landing is smooth. The ones who truly love you will be there on the other end waiting with open arms and the ones who are just friends when its convenient will be left is your dust.

Change to me is like a waterfall...beautiful...calm...but can also be disastrous, but you never know till you get up close. Always  developing and morphing into a new shape, always flowing and turning things upside down.

Take a chance and leap...learn...grow...you never know what you might learn about yourself.

Picture from my trip to Newfoundland the summer of 2010, Corner Brooke NFLD

Monday, February 7, 2011

Travel plans

Latly I have been feeling such a serious urge to get away and travel. To learn about the world and myself on a year long adventure. I always have had this feeling but recently it has gotten so strong I cant think of anything else. I am planning to go to 15 countries over the course of 2012.

1. Japan
2. Thailand
3. Spain
4. Chile
5. Indonesia
6. India
7. Italy
8. Germany
9. Amsterdam
10. France
11. Acention Island
12. The Cook Islands
13. Jordan
14. Russia
15. Canada

I have a plan in action and if I find a travel buddy fantastic... if not...it will be a solo mission. Planning is the easy part, keeping my passion alive is simple, saying goodbye to friends and family and the city that I love...going to be the hardest thing I have ever done.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Franks Kitchen

On College and Clinton in Toronto Ontario, you will find arguably the best restaurant in Toronto. Chef Frank is a Master in the art of everything food, and his service staff are impeccable, personable, and pleasant. I really cant say enough about this place. The warm decor, the small venue, the amazing food (try the gnocchi, its to die for). I have eaten at Franks countless times and each time it just keeps getting better.

I really can only think of one word to sum up all its parts...Perfection...

If you find yourself in Toronto, I would strongly suggest making it a part of your trip to check out Franks Kitchen...outstanding.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a whole month

a whole month of blogging on my new blog url and no viewers...I guess I need to up my anti a little bit....hmmmmmmmmmmm

discrimination for all

I have been noticing as of late that a lot of people, even my friends have a hard time accepting peoples different sexualities. I have especially been noticing that they are not discriminating against me and my sexuality but that of my best friends. I am really close with two openly gay males that I work with and it breaks my heart that people that we work with and otherwise accept me for who I am but constantly make fun of them for who they are. I feel like its a double standard to be fine with lesbians but not gay males...that just does not add up in my head. As it has become more evident to me I am taking a stand. If you are discriminating against my friends no matter what their life decisions you are discriminating against me, and I will no longer sit by and let it happen.

I am sorry that the teasing we all went through in high school is still going on for you and I am sorry that people are so moronic. I am sorry that people believe its OK to "hate" one side and "love" the other. I am sorry that I stood by and let it happen for so long. I am proud that you are stronger they I am, and are living proof that it does get better. I am proud how you do not let it effect who you are and who you love but most important I am proud to be your friend.  I love you both insane amounts and will take a stand against this bullying.

C & S I love you!