So basically the way antiperspirants work is they stop us from sweating. I think that is common knowledge...but what is not so common knowledge is that the companies add aluminum and/or zirconian to their recipe...that's what fills up your little pores and stops you from sweating.
The Government of Canada and Health Canada both say there is nothing to worry about and the amounts of metal they are putting into the armpit spread are to minuscule to do any harm. But if you think about it you generally apply it once a day for 70+ years...that's got to add up! There are studies going to see if this could be contributing to the higher volume of people with Alzheimer considering that they always seems to have a higher concentration of aluminum in their brain tissue.
There is also the argument of it only absorbing on freshly shaved underarms, when the pores are open.
I wasn't too sure how I felt about the topic so I went to check it out....there I was in shoppers drug mart for about 30 minutes reading the ingredients on every single antiperspirant they had in stock, the employees were watching me like I was a lunatic. But you know...I couldn't find a single one with out some form of metal in it...I don't know why but this really shocked me.
When I think more about it i remember that we line our pots and pans to keep our food from coming into contact with this metal but we freely spread it on our skin everyday? Not to mention the environmental impact. Any sort of metal extraction from the earth has such a great energy impact in their mining and processing of the metal!
So with that in mind tomorrow i am heading to a local natural product store to see what I can find and if not...well i guess i will start to smell :)
Happy reading earthlings
love Kristen
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