Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy World Water Day 2011

March 22 is probably one of my favorite days of the year. Its international world water day. A day when everyone can stop and think about how much water they use/waste and where they can cut back. This year there are a few more things i am going to add to my list of water conservation methods. First off I am going to try much harder to remember to not be a robot when I use the toilet. For some odd reason I cant kick the habbit of flushing, and I am a HUGE supporter of " when its yellow, let it mellow" when you are in your own home. I find myself in a empty minded state when I pee and for some reason before i know it the water is rushing through the plumbing of my little apartment. Today I take a stand against my meditative urination's.

Some interesting water facts for ya
• The average American home uses between 80-100 gallons of water a day just for indoor use.
• Nearly one billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water.
• Over 60% of the world's fresh water supply is used for agriculture.
• Last year over 18,000 beaches across the United States were closed or posted as unhealthy due to bacterial contamination or sewage spills.
• Water Parks are Fun. In the world of water shortages they don’t look pretty, But they ARE fun. It’s just a fact I gotta to throw in. Maybe find a river with a rope swing instead. It’s just as good. Maybe scarier.
• We are water. If it goes. We go.

PS: if you live in, or around the Toronto area check out the ROM's water exhibit...its wonderful!

Enjoy your water sparing day :)


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