Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Monday, July 11, 2011

Welcomed back with a smile!

I haven't written in about 3 months....just love me, and understand that sometimes life grabs you by your ankles and spins you around a few time. Throws your priority list out the window and makes you rethink your entire life.

But now I am back, and in full force, with a new look on life and a softer heart.

Last week I went to the most amazing Yoga class I have ever been to in my life. It was out doors, at Dufferin Grove Park here in Toronto, AND it was free. I think the reason I completely enjoyed myself was because the class was spiritual as well as physical. I have been finding it hard to connect with a teacher/class here in Toronto because I find most of them just focus on the physical side. My person belief is that one needs both. Spirituality to be strong of heart and mind, and physicality to be strong of arms and legs. I missed being reminded to smile while i was gliding from down ward dog to plank position. The class was put on by a studio called Kula, I strongly suggest you come check out the in the park class, Thursday from 6-7 at Dufferin Grove Park (right across from dufferin mall) just look for the flags and the wonderful people.

I bet you are wondering what does that cute little monkey have to do with this post, well nothing, I just figured that if I didn't make you smile at least once in this post, She would do the trick! Happy Monday Everyone!!! Enjoy your day!

I love you


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