Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Rock of Gibraltar....and Monkeys

Anyone that knows me knows I love monkeys. I mean, who wouldn’t? So having
the opportunity to come face to face with one is a dream come true. You would
think after the week Kristen and I had, we would want to go home and rest. Not us
though, one more adventure won’t kill us, although we did come close.

Gibraltar is a tiny piece of land on the southern most point of Spain, but in fact
it is not part of Spain, it is a British colony, which becomes painfully obvious the
second you step over the border.

We rented a tour van and headed up the rock. Now my only concern was seeing
the monkeys, but there are lots of other positive points in Gibraltar. Our driver,
who clearly had been at this a while, drove quickly up the steep narrow roads. This
ladies and gentleman is the part where I say we came close to dying. There was no
barrier or fence, only a small divider between us, and a very long way down!

Our first stop is a lookout point, where you can see both Spain, and Morocco. So
there we are, Kristen and I standing in the only place in the world where you can
see 3 different countries. The feeling is hard to explain, it’s like knowing you are
part of something epic, it stops your heart, and makes you want to laugh, and cry
all at the same time. For me it was the moment I truly knew we were blessed to be
on this journey together.

Ok enough with the sappy crap, on to the monkeys! We were taken to St.
Michael’s cave, a deep dark, wet crevice in the rock that is stunning, and well, just
really cool. At this point there are monkeys, but they seem to be very uninterested
in us. Well except for the big one that made a beeline for our van when we opened
our door, but I think he was more interested in our bananas.

Further up the rock we find our monkeys! A small family that is more than
happy to interact with us. When we get there, there are several people already
there, and the monkeys are jumping, and climbing all over them. Now as I said,
I love monkeys, but I sure as hell don’t want one to jump on me! The thought
is terrifying, so Kristen and I stand back and watch, and eventually get up the

courage to play with one, a very small one. The little baby let us hold his hand, and
pet him slightly, but got a bit testy when he realized we did not bring him food.
Monkeys are fickle creatures it would seem.

So what next? What do you do when you have fulfilled your lifelong dream? Our
tour guide Ben said it best; “You make more dreams!”

Many more dreams to come!

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