Where are we?: Germany
countries Visited: 9
Days on the Road: 111

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Plane to Spain

As I am writing this I am on the plane to Spain! first stop London England hethrow airport. I got to the air port nervous and horrified about missing my girlfriend,my family and friends and well about flying and currently I am up in the air (first class, thanks to my wonderful friend Sasha) sipping a vodka soda and eating mixed nuts, waiting for my pan seared chicken breast for dinner! Now I truly believe that ignorance is bliss, going back to economy is going to be a hard trip from the comfort of my personal bed here in Business class!
I had enough time to watch two movies and even some cooking shows...I couldn't really sleep the turbulence was pretty rough in spots, and I am not the best flyer so my stomach was turning and my head was pounding the whole time,but it was still a comfy ride!! From Toronto air port on is going to be a day by day adventure! Nothing is really planned yet and to be totally honest I have no idea what Europe has in store for me! I am sorry I cant write more but I am laughing to hard at Sheldon Cooper and we are about to land in Hethrow Airport :) Hope everyone had an awesome new years day!

Love Kristen

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